As mentioned in the introduction, Vue data is made of simple objects (POJOs) and the logic applied to the data is separated from the data itself. Any developer familiar with Backbone will know the core storage of a Model is also made up of simple object(s) or types. See model.attributes
and collection.models
A normal Vue instance has reactive data, which is accessed by various logical constructs (e.g. Computed, Watchers, Template expressions etc), which once modified will trigger Vue to re-render automatically (using its convenient Virtual DOM).
This has many similarities with Backbone, which provides change
events to allow Views re-render/update when necessary.
Reactivity Overview
Vue Backbone is possible due to Vue's reactivity, which is where raw access to simple objects (POJOs) can be intercepted, a full explanation can be found in Vue documentation, but here is a modified version of Vue's diagram:
Vue Backbone Architecture
What was a single node in the diagram, Reactive Data, is now replaced with 3 nodes. The read/write access to the data will now enter the Reactive Client node, and the watcher output from Reactive Data will now come from Reactive Emitter.
What does this mean?
- Reactive Client can provide an interface with simple objects (POJOs).
- Reactive Client will interact with the Backbone interface, meaning Backbone's own behaviour is used and maintained (events etc).
- Backbone-originating access or changes will also trigger registrations/notifications from the Reactive Emitter.
- While Logic is still being moved to Vue logical constructs, Backbone's own functions will be accessible via the Reactive Client (more detail in Usage Guidelines). Which will in turn trigger reactive registration where necessary.
- Once all Backbone-originating logic has been migrated to Vue, these 3 nodes can be replaced by a Flux library (or even Vue's own reactive data).
Tightly Coupled?
If Backbone is going to emit reactive registrations/notifications, how tight is the coupling? Thankfully Data Reactivity can be achieved without the consumer of the data being aware, it is an excellent example of the Proxy Pattern.
When a Backbone object is used with Vue, it's underlying data structure is made reactive unbeknownst to Backbone.
Just as with Vue's own reactivity, the addition/deletion of data within a Backbone Model after its initialization, will not be detected by Vue Backbone.
Vue’s recommended workaround is to initialize all properties upfront, which is a good practice anyway.
For a Backbone Model, the same could be done. Though it doesn’t mean the model defaults
need to describe each attribute, in the case of a model populated by a RESTful API response, at construction time the data will be available. Though, watch out for absent attributes that could be later added, they might be best described in defaults